Wednesday, August 13, 2008


It seems like I have been signing the girls up for so many classes.  Since the classes are only once a week, it doesn't feel too overwhelming and I schedule them on days when I have at least another adult to help me.  When they were 14 months old, we started to take them to a 20-week gym class at The Little Gym.  It was quite amazing how comfortable they got climbing all the gym equipment, jumping on their own and running around the tumbling mats.  

Here they are in their swimrobes getting ready for Water Babies.

In July, they started a Water Babies class.  We have been getting them used to water (besides bathtime) at water parks and the wading pool at our local gym.  They are so eager to go to swim class as we change them into their swim attire.  Alexandra is our best "swimmer".  She likes (or should I say, doesn't mind) being submerged in the water and she seems to have the most fun playing all the swim games...Humpty Dumpty, Motor Boat, Ring Around the Rosie...

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