Saturday, November 6, 2010

Happy Halloween

Halloween is probably one of the kids' favorite holidays. This year they were really into the whole Trick or Treating they passed the stickers, balloons and pins in their halloween bags to me. Which left....ah, yes, all the candy. We went to a couple Halloween events in our neighborhood.

I had no luck in getting Noah to wear his Thomas the Train costume. The closest he got to a costume were his shades and a halloween shirt. The girls talked about wearing their princess costumes but two of them changed their minds to wear Minnie Mouse, which was last years costume. Thank goodness they still fit and thank goodness I did not give them away yet.

While in Las Vegas a couple weeks ago, we visited a pumpkin patch. The girls loved going on the bungee jumpers and Noah had a blast playing with all the pumpkins and hay.
I look at last years Halloween pictures and see how quickly they have grown. The girls were just potty trained and Noah was just starting to take a few steps last year. My babies are growing up too fast.